As we perform publicly in venues around Bath it is important we are dressed in a way which suitably represents not only ChaOS but also the University as a whole. This year we request that for concerts you wear: (Not Alley Barbers*.)

  • A proper black shirt (blouse with no visible logos - not a polo shirt or t-shirt)
  • Black dress or smart trousers (not leggings/jeans/jogging bottoms)
  • Black socks and black shoes (not trainers).

When we say 'black' we mean smart black and not a mixture of shades of blue/grey/faded black/dark purple etc.

Unfortunately you will not be able to perform at a concert or concert dress event if you are unsuitably dressed. If you have any concerns around concert dress, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at:

. Alternatively you can speak to a committee member in person.

*The Alley Barbers wear traditional Dinner Jackets with white shirts and black bowties. Your ensemble manager can provide further information.