Education Officer Blog - Guess Who's Back ?

Blog Post

Education Officer Blog

Guess Who's Back ?

Hello lovely people !


Sorry for the radio silence – I clocked out at the end of August to check out York, a place somehow closer to home, and yet the train journey between there and home is just as long! It was positively gorgeous, full of history, and small enough to not feel engulfed in – no wonder its called the Bath of the north! I spent my time there checking out the local spooky history, eating good food, and being offered no less than 23 lemon sherbets on the bus to Whitby by a group of elderly weekenders who wished me the best on my career. Dear reader, they thought I was quitting here to become a ghost tour guide. Maybe its fate.

A photo of Whitby Abbey, a decaying Gothic Abbey

Back in Bath, we have been plugging away at Fresher’s Week alongside our beloved FWEMS (which if you haven’t already, you should totally check out over on the SU TikTok), distributing the Top 10, and trying our absolute best to be friendly faces across the University.


On the 6th, we were invited to the first Climate Action Framework (CAF) awards. The CAF are a small but mighty department doing their best to promote climate literacy across the University through multiple mechanisms, including education. It was an absolute treat to see how different areas of the University and SU are getting involved in climate work, and the absolute wealth of vegan cake made it that little bit sweeter !

The officers all laughing and smiling as they accept Climate Action Framework badges

As well as this, you might have seen us bopping around campus for the open day the following Saturday. It was absolutely sweltering, and I spent a lot of time simply perched in front of fans when not nerding out about how much I adore the Psychology department, the CompSci society, and everything in between.


Finally, I also got to return to Beginning at Bath – an overnight event organised for applicants who identify as autistic. This lets these students get to know one another, get used to campus, and talk with the disability team alongside a LOT of Lime Tree pizza. I worked this event last year as an ambassador and being able to pop back in and say “Hi! I adore the disability service for all they do, here are things that are set up to help you, come bug me if you need anything!” was simply the best. It is, however, a tad bittersweet. With last years event, I was able to see these applicants throughout the entire academic year as I also helped out at Autism Social Group, meaning I got to see their friendships flourish – something I wont be able to do this year.


With all that said and done (and obligatory nod here to the marking and assessment boycott also, at least temporarily, being done), I hope you are all ready to come back to Bath. We are so excited to have you back !


TTYL – Amber x


p.s. if you are keeping track of who has currently found Richard, our small pink bear who keeps us on time, the most - I am currently on 4, with a streak of finding her three times in the last fortnight !

Plain text links


Beginning at Bath

Autism Social Group
