Education Officer Blog - Baby, I ain’t even here (or – the one where the officers barely stay on campus)

Blog Post

Education Officer Blog

Baby, I ain’t even here (or – the one where the officers barely stay on campus)


Yes, that is a reference to a TikTok sound. Yes, I am still a popular audio stan thanks to campaigns week. No, I will not address the allegations of me being hyper-online


The past couple of weeks have been a strange mix – both the mundane reality of trying to set everything up for the upcoming academic year, the turbulence of finally wrapping up the Top 10, and repeatedly being out of office to meet officers from all over the place.


The absolute highlight has to be the south-west officer meet up at UWE – we had officers as close as Bath Spa, and all the way out to Falmouth. As well as being more comfortably closer to home, the meet-up was absolutely indispensable as we all had a lot more time to talk to each other about the issues at our universities rather than being in structured workshops all day. It also meant we were able to see what we could collaborate on locally.

A BeReal. Both pictures show a group of people smiling at the camera. In the larger picture, president Jimena is at the forefront, smiling widely at the camera.

As well as this, we also had our introduction to the student community partnership (SCP) alongside Bath Spa. The SCP is a group that brings together the higher education institutes in Bath with the local council, and is something that I had no clue about as a student until someone knocked on our doors and asked if we needed help moving out (dear reader, we had lived in that house since second year and had absolutely no want or need to move). The officer team have their fingers crossed to come out and meet you all as you move in later this year – look out for the blue !


Well, that’s all to keep you in the loop on, let me know what you want to be updated on !




Amber x



Student Community Partnership
