The SU

Give it a Go and Refresh Week!

Give it a Go and Refresh Week!

So you’ve officially completed the first Semester, about to start the second Semester and are finally feeling like you’ve found your feet and settled into life at Bath…now what?

The start of the term can feel very overwhelming and doesn’t always seem like the best time to throw yourself into something new. However, now you are feeling more settled, this is the perfect time to pick up a new (or previously much loved!) hobby or sport.
You can join SU groups at any point during the year but next week is the perfect time as we are hosting Refresh Week! There will be a range of events happening across the entire week, from a Street Food Stall to a vintage fair – plus a two-day Groups Fair! Over 50 different groups will set up stalls downstairs in the SU, where you will have the opportunity to come and chat to current members and find out more about what’s on offer.
Better yet, if you still aren’t sure if a group is right for you, you can pop along to a variety of Give it a Go sessions! This allows you to try out a mock session without any commitment needed – you can check the full Give it a Go schedule on our website.
Joining a group can have so many benefits and can really improve your University experience – not only do you get to try something new, you also have the chance to meet new friends, improve your skill set and really shape your Bath University experience.
View the full Refresh Week schedule on the SU website and we will see you there!